Acorn Stories: A Welcoming to Wintun Homeland

International House Davis World Tour program and YoloSol present Acorn Stories: A Welcome to Wintun Homeland. Join us for the second annual gathering to learn the responsibility and discipline of restoring right relations with the Yolo bioregion.

Capay Open Space Storywalk

Join our first storywalk! Two leaders in the resurgence of traditional ecological stewardship of the Cache Creek watershed – Yocha Dehe history and language expert Dillon McKay and Wintun/Maidu cultural practitioner Diana Almendariz –share their perspectives on land, water, mining and restoration in this immersive experience.

Restoring Wetlands to Cache Creek

Potluck Dinner and Presentation When: Wednesday, June 26. 7-9 pmWhere: Yolo Public Library, 314 E. 14th St, DavisCost: Free and Open to the Public Please join the Sierra Club and YoloSol Collective in welcoming: For a discussion of how Cache Creek was cared for by Native Wintun communities before fur-trapping, mining and agriculture significantly altered the […]

Tule FunDays @ the TGG

When: Third Sunday of the month for six months, 9am-1pm April 21 – CordageMay 19 – DollsJune 16 – Skirts – what a great way to celebrate Father’s Day!July 21– MatsAugust 18 – BasketsSeptember 15  — Boats with Special Hosts Diana Almendariz and Ooti Maxine Where: Tending and Gathering Garden at the Cache Creek Nature Preserve, […]

Spring 2024 Book Reading Series

Against a cloudy starry sky full of purples and pinks are two earths; one in tones of blue and green, and the other in reds and pinks

YoloSol and the Seeds of Justice Program of St. Martin’s Church will host three sessions to discuss the book, Know We Are Here: Voices of Native California Resistance, edited with an introduction by Terria Smith (a tribal member of the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians), who is editor for the quarterly magazine, News From Native California.
Mar 26; Apr 9; May 7 – 6:30-8pm

Acorn Traditions: A Welcoming with Diana Almendariz

Acorn Traditions Event Diana Almendariz YoloSol

Acorn Traditions, the inaugural event of the new I-House World Tour series, was presented in collaboration with the YoloSol Collective. The event began with an interactive family workshop. Diana shared stories from her family’s experience of gathering, storing and preparing acorn flour as the Wintun people have done for thousands of years. Participants got a chance to use grinding stones to make acorn flour. Diana was assisted in her workshop by her daughter Christina Almendariz, and her grandson Alex Almendariz.
