
Capay Open Space Park

Stretch your body, and take a deep breath.

What do you smell?
What do you see?
What do you hear?
What do you feel?

Follow the route on the map below, or wander the trails on your own as you listen to the audio segments below.

Once you have started the audio, we invite you to put your device away and give your full attention to the stories and the land.

Deer Grass Icon Yolo Sol

Deergrass by the parking lot or by the ramp to the creek.

Black Walnut Icon Yolo Sol
Grey Pine Icon Yolo Sol

Black walnut and grey pine by the fallen log at the end of the trail.

Oak Leaf Icon Yolo Sol

Oaks whose leaves that look like hills and valleys.

Eldeberry Icon Yolo Sol

The elderberry have leaves that are multiple and serrated.

Audio # 2/3

Look up at the sky. What do you see?

Begin the next segment of the storywalk.

Audio # 3/3


Close your eyes and feel the wind on your face.
Can you sense the web of relations that make up this land?
How can you honor them?
Who will you share these stories with when you return home?

We would love your feedback. Please fill out our survey form, or send an email to


In remembrance of Bertha Mitchell, Mabel McKay, and Marshall McKay.

Featured Culture-bearers: Diana Almendariz and Dillon McKay
Storywalk Producer: Anuj Vaidya
Storywalk Co-Producer: Juliette Beck
Spanish Producer: Adelita Serena
Storywalk Website: David Abramson

Storywalk Featured Art: Ooti Maxine
Storywalk Video: Adelita Serena
Original Music: Ameen Lofti
Storywalk Map: Ooti Maxine, Diana Almendariz, Anuj Vaidya
Storywalk Photo: NJ Mvondo
Storywalk Spanish Voice: Adela Martinez as Diana
Storywalk Spanish Voice: Idbin Acosta as Dylan

Storywalk Experience Design: YoloSol Collective
Storywalk Trainees: Ooti Maxine, Gladys Padilla



A special thanks to: Dillon McKay, Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation; Christina Almendariz and Family; Allison Cagley; Environment and Climate Justice Scholars Cohort – The Hub UC Davis; Richard Falcon; Alison Flory; Marlen Garcia; Shelly Gilbridle; Pam Gonzales; Cata Gomez; Mary Jimenez; Melissa Moreno; Stephanie Maroney; Deniss Martinez; Beth Rose Middleton; Araceli Moreno; NJ Mvondo; Jessica Perea; Txarlotzi Saenz; Michelle Stephens; Zara Zimbardo


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